The Team...

Lawyers Gabriel Oussi & Louay Oussi

Abraham Lincoln

Selected sayings

As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior
opportunity of being a good man. There will
still be business enough.

The firm offers full legal services.

Firm Activities

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Firm Activities

The firm offers a full range of legal services and is associated with a comprehensive network of distinguished lawyers, experts and consultants in the fields of business management and economic feasibility studies.

Easy to Use

Trademark & Patent filing, Search, Claiming priority, Counterfeiting & Infringement, Opposition, Cancellation & Assignment.

Easy to Use

Litigation, Administrative law, Civil law, Contract law, Debt collection and Banking law, Financial law, Tax law, Labor law.

Easy to Use

Criminal law, International law, Construction law, Insurance law, Consultations in business management and economic feasibility studies.

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